Walt Wells, 07.31-08.11.2016

Prepare Environment and Load Data

# Set Environment
if (!require("plyr")) install.packages("plyr")
if (!require("dplyr")) install.packages("dplyr")
if (!require("hflights")) install.packages("hflights")

# Let's take an initial look at the data
# derived from:  http://www.transtats.bts.gov/DatabaseInfo.asp?DB_ID=120&Link=0
'data.frame':   227496 obs. of  21 variables:
 $ Year             : int  2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 ...
 $ Month            : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ DayofMonth       : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ DayOfWeek        : int  6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 ...
 $ DepTime          : int  1400 1401 1352 1403 1405 1359 1359 1355 1443 1443 ...
 $ ArrTime          : int  1500 1501 1502 1513 1507 1503 1509 1454 1554 1553 ...
 $ UniqueCarrier    : chr  "AA" "AA" "AA" "AA" ...
 $ FlightNum        : int  428 428 428 428 428 428 428 428 428 428 ...
 $ TailNum          : chr  "N576AA" "N557AA" "N541AA" "N403AA" ...
 $ ActualElapsedTime: int  60 60 70 70 62 64 70 59 71 70 ...
 $ AirTime          : int  40 45 48 39 44 45 43 40 41 45 ...
 $ ArrDelay         : int  -10 -9 -8 3 -3 -7 -1 -16 44 43 ...
 $ DepDelay         : int  0 1 -8 3 5 -1 -1 -5 43 43 ...
 $ Origin           : chr  "IAH" "IAH" "IAH" "IAH" ...
 $ Dest             : chr  "DFW" "DFW" "DFW" "DFW" ...
 $ Distance         : int  224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 ...
 $ TaxiIn           : int  7 6 5 9 9 6 12 7 8 6 ...
 $ TaxiOut          : int  13 9 17 22 9 13 15 12 22 19 ...
 $ Cancelled        : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
 $ CancellationCode : chr  "" "" "" "" ...
 $ Diverted         : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...


# Look at origin patterns

   AA    AS    B6    CO    DL    EV    F9    FL    MQ    OO    UA    US 
 3244   365   695 70032  2641  2204   838  2139  4648 16061  2072  4082 
   WN    XE    YV 
45343 73053    79 
# Look at arrival delay patterns
table(cut(hflights$Distance,6), cut(hflights$ArrDelay, 6))
                      (-71,105] (105,279] (279,454] (454,629] (629,803]
  (75.2,716]              98627      1745        97         6         4
  (716,1.35e+03]          95495      1675        58         6         3
  (1.35e+03,1.99e+03]     24651       567        18         6         1
  (1.99e+03,2.63e+03]       383         4         1         0         0
  (2.63e+03,3.27e+03]       115         8         1         0         0
  (3.27e+03,3.91e+03]       390         6         2         0         0
  (75.2,716]                  2
  (716,1.35e+03]              1
  (1.35e+03,1.99e+03]         1
  (1.99e+03,2.63e+03]         0
  (2.63e+03,3.27e+03]         0
  (3.27e+03,3.91e+03]         1
table(hflights$UniqueCarrier, cut(hflights$ArrDelay, 6))
     (-71,105] (105,279] (279,454] (454,629] (629,803] (803,979]
  AA      3132        42         0         1         2         1
  AS       362         2         0         0         0         0
  B6       644        27         2         0         0         0
  CO     68264      1080        24         2         2         1
  DL      2518        64         6         2         1         0
  EV      2032        84         4         1         0         0
  F9       822        10         0         0         0         0
  FL      2074        31         4         2         0         0
  MQ      4364       118        16         2         2         2
  OO     15444       332         5         0         0         0
  UA      1968        56         3         5         0         1
  US      3976        53         1         0         0         0
  WN     43669       818        47         2         0         0
  XE     70314      1288        65         1         1         0
  YV        78         0         0         0         0         0
hflights %>% 
    group_by(UniqueCarrier) %>%
    summarise(MeanArrDelay = mean(ArrDelay, na.rm=TRUE), SDArrDelay = sd(ArrDelay, na.rm=TRUE))
Source: local data frame [15 x 3]

   UniqueCarrier MeanArrDelay SDArrDelay
1             AA    0.8917558   37.39939
2             AS    3.1923077   25.45696
3             B6    9.8588410   47.64176
4             CO    6.0986983   28.38512
5             DL    6.0841374   41.44595
6             EV    7.2569543   43.26771
7             F9    7.6682692   24.49275
8             FL    1.8536239   33.74713
9             MQ    7.1529751   47.01261
10            OO    8.6934922   30.40658
11            UA   10.4628628   47.72488
12            US   -0.6307692   25.20307
13            WN    7.5871430   30.54575
14            XE    8.1865242   29.81871
15            YV    4.0128205   18.82972
# Let's double check an assumption.   The table for unique carrier shows 70032 flights for CO carrier.   But it looks like the table showinng arrival delay bins by carrier < 70032.   Where are the missing values?  
co <- filter(hflights, UniqueCarrier == "CO")
sum(table(cut(co$ArrDelay, 6)))
[1] 69373
sum(table(cut(co$ArrDelay, 6))) + sum(co$Diverted) + sum(co$Cancelled)
[1] 70032

Subset, Clean

# OK - let's look at the airlines with more than 10,000 records.   We'll explore the relationship between those carriers and the Arrival Delays.  

sub <- hflights %>%
    select(UniqueCarrier, ArrDelay, Diverted, Cancelled)

fdat <- sub %>%
    filter(UniqueCarrier %in% c('CO', 'OO', 'WN', 'XE'))

# now we'll let's bin according to arrival time.   We'll define 5 categories: 
# early, ontime (+ or - 5 min), 5~30, 30~120, >120

ftab <- table(fdat$UniqueCarrier, cut(fdat$ArrDelay, breaks=c(-90, -5, 5, 30, 120, 1000), labels = c("Early", "OnTime", "5-30 Late", "30-120 Late", "> 120 Late")))
row.names(ftab) <- c("Continental", "SkyWest", "SouthWest", "ExpressJet")


# Let's try some Cleveland plots. 

dotchart(ftab, main= "Frequency of Arrival Delays for Airlines with > 10,000 flights", xlab="Frequency")

# Great! This gives us a good rough idea of the arrival delays for each carrier.   Now, let's normalize by calculating the percentage of occurences for each carrier's total flights. 

CO <- sum(sub$UniqueCarrier=="CO")
OO <- sum(sub$UniqueCarrier=="OO")
WN <- sum(sub$UniqueCarrier=="WN")
XE <- sum(sub$UniqueCarrier=="XE")

df <- data.frame(ftab)
df <- df %>%
    mutate(Per = ifelse(Var1 == "Continental", round(Freq/CO, 3) * 100, 
                        ifelse(Var1 == "SkyWest", round(Freq/OO, 3) * 100,
                               ifelse(Var1 == "SouthWest", round(Freq/WN, 3) * 100,
                                      round(Freq/XE, 3) * 100)

## we double check our work, confirming that the reason that arrival delays don't add up to 100% is that they don't account for flights diverted or cancelled
[1] 98.3
sum(df$Freq[df$Var1=="SouthWest"]) + sum(sub$Diverted[sub$UniqueCarrier=="WN"]) +
[1] 45343
#now let's plot and see what we get
dotchart(df$Per, labels=df$Var1, groups=df$Var2, main="% of Arrival Delays for Airlines with > 10,000 flights", xlab="% of Carrier Flights")